Lynch Hall incident brings NU community closer

By Madison Ruffo

NIAGARA UNIVERSITY,  N.Y. –  “These conversations may not be easy, but these conversations are needed,” said Dr. Rolanda Ward, executive director of the Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko center, at Monday’s community conversation in the Russell J. Salvatore Dining Commons.

Ward, along with Averl Harbin, director of multicultural affairs, and University President Father James J. Maher hosted this event following an email Maher sent to students and faculty on Jan. 19. In the email, he described a “yellow nylon cord ending in a loop” hanging from the ceiling in the basement of Rev. John Lynch hall.

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Father Maher speaks at Monday’s discussion

Students, teachers, and administrators filled nearly every seat in the Dining Commons for Monday’s community discussion where all members of the University’s community got a chance to open up a dialogue about diversity and discrimination. At the event, Maher described the yellow cord as “resembling what could be a noose,” and acknowledged both the racial discrimination and mental health paths that this could have been interpreted as.

In regard to who’s responsible for hanging the cord, Maher confirmed that Residence Life did a thorough closing out of Lynch Hall before winter break and nothing was reported. In addition, Lynch Hall is not permitted as a residence hall for students over break, so the only access to the building would be through a faculty card swipe.

An outside investigation has been launched by a reputable Buffalo firm hired by the University, and they will keep students and faculty updated as more information comes in.

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Administrators listen as a student shares her feelings on the incident

At the event, students majoring in social work had the opportunity to moderate small groups through discussions on how the incident affected individuals and the community, and what they’d like to see come out of this situation. When asked how receiving the email from Maher made them feel, many students and faculty used words like “heartbroken,” “disappointed” and “concerned.”

“I’m disheartened that we’re at this point in 2018. I thought we moved past it,” Harbin said.

The hope of many people around campus is that this incident was just a mistake and not intended to be malicious. However, a number of people think differently, and that opened the dialogue for discussion about racial equality and inclusion. Senior, Gabi Jackson, shared a personal experience of her own during the conversation,

“Personally, I’ve been in a situation where it’s been racially insensitive on this campusa and things that I had to go through affected me in a way that I felt lost on this campus. Although I felt lost I didn’t lose my hope because I love this campus so much.”

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Ben Schian speaks at Monday’s discussion

Another student that spoke at the meeting was junior, Ben Schian, who addressed the large number of white students on campus by saying,

“As white people we need to stand in solidarity with people who are affected by these discriminatory acts.”

The theme of Monday’s conversation was undoubtedly community. Nearly every table talk at the event shared the desire for a true sense of community on the Niagara University campus.

“We can do our part to bring people together, but ultimately we all have to do the work,” said Ward. For all of those who attended the meeting, and for the entire campus community, this unfortunate incident was not the end, but only the beginning of an important conversation long overdue.





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